Have aQuestion?


Q: How long is a session?
A: Sessions are typically 50-60 minutes in length for all services. If you are interested in less or more time let me know and we can talk details.

Q: How frequent are sessions?
A: I suggest starting sessions weekly and moving to bi-weekly as things begin to feel more stable. This is something we will plan for and discuss at the start of counseling/coaching.

Q: Do you see children for counseling or coaching?
A: I see children 14 years of age or older.

Q: Do you see families?
A: I do not do family counseling. I would be happy to provide referrals for you.

Q: Do you accept payment plans?
A: Payment is due at the time of service. If you have extenuating circumstances please let me know and we will go from there.

Q: I want my spouse to attend with me but they refuse. What can I do?
A: Come! There is always personal work that can be done and that will likely give insight for the relationship as well.

Q: Can I use a Health Savings Account to pay for counseling services?
A: Check with your insurance first, but that can often be an option!

Individual and couples counselor located in Mountain Home, Idaho (2).png


Emma Orthel
Mountain Home, ID